Benefits To Your Business

Fully Customised System & User Interface
There are many off-the-shelf packages that promise to do everything you need. However, in reality, there is no such thing as a one-fits-all system. Every business is unique, with it's own set of products or services, and its own way of doing things. An Access database can be fully customised to your exact specifications, so it does exactly what you want it to straight out of the box, using a clean & intuitive user interface. Also, it can easily be adapted to keep in sync with your business as it develops over time.
Single Data Source
Using Access will consolidate all your data into a single source. This removes the multiple spreadsheets you may currently have, replacing them with a single system which is far easier to maintain, and significantly reduces the time spent on managing your data. It will also enable you to rationalise your user access, once again providing you with time savings.

Data Visualisation
Spreadsheets are great for storing data, and can represent it in charts & graphs. However, it's not that easy to manage this with multiple spreadsheets. Consolidating all your data into a single database will unlock the full potential of data visualisations. Whether it's a full business dashboard, a breakdown of all sales and revenue, call volumes and completion rates, or which product/service is your best seller, Access can provide you with a clear & concise visualisation of your data, allowing you to make more insightful decisions for your business.
Increased Productivity
An Access database provides a wealth of functionality which can be used to automate many manual processes in the workplace. Generate a report, invoice or contract at the click of a button; then send it automatically to your customers by email. Create an export file to upload to your accounting system e.g. Sage, so no need to rekey all the data.

System Integrations
Most businesses require multiple supporting systems to manage their operations, more often than not requiring re-keying of data. We can help to ensure you only enter the data once, by integrating with other 3rd party systems e.g. MS Office (e.g. Excel, Outlook), accounting software such as Sage, and more. This can be achieved in different ways depending on the 3rd party system, perhaps using a direct connection from system to system, or automatically producing an export file ready for uploading into your 3rd party system.